The Impetuous Voice of Regret//The Power of What If

We've all asked ourselves this question... "What if...?" Often when reflecting on the past, this question comes as an inquisitive, often uninvited, visitor and I've learned to entertain its curiosity. A "what if" is a powerful thing. When they're used to torment us to despair and shame, it can tear us down quickly. But much … Continue reading The Impetuous Voice of Regret//The Power of What If

Is Dating Redeemable?

"We are all looking to be loved. We all have an inkling of the hopeless romantic in us, and we all want someone to do life with...But when it comes time to pursue...well intended lovers of Jesus (on both sides) are clueless... when it comes time to pursue a woman, or how to react when they, the woman, are being pursued by a man....If we pursued clarity over intimacy, Christian dating would be less broken."

New Year’s Resolution 1: Drawing Near with Confidence to the Throne of Grace

Wow! 2016 is here! My how time flies. Typically I don't do the whole new year's resolution thing, but I read a post by The Rend Collective a few weeks ago that went like this: So tempting to make self-improvement our new year's resolution but what we need is SELF-SACRIFICE. Don't give up a habit- give … Continue reading New Year’s Resolution 1: Drawing Near with Confidence to the Throne of Grace